Connecting Webcam with Raspberrypi by python
การทดลองนี้ เพื่อทดสอบการติดต่อกล้อง Webcam กับ
บอร์ด Raspberry Pi ว่าสามารถใช้งานได้หรือไม่?
1.Raspberry Pi Board
2.Webcam Camera (USB)
3.สายLan สำหรับ Remote Desktop
Install Program ที่จำเป็น
$sudo apt-get install python-opencv
Code python Webcam with Raspberrypi
import cv
import datetime
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
print "Waiting for sensor to settle"
print "Detecting motion"
# ---------------------------
# Setup the webcam and font
# ---------------------------
# define image size
imageWidth = 640
imageHeight = 480
# create a window object
cv.NamedWindow("window1", cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
camera_index = 0
# create a camera object
capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(camera_index)
# set capture width and height
cv.SetCaptureProperty( capture, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, imageWidth );
cv.SetCaptureProperty( capture, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, imageHeight );
# create a font
font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL , 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, cv.CV_AA)
i = 0
while True:
# get image from webcam
frame = cv.QueryFrame(capture)
# -------------------------------------------
# Draw the time stamp on a white background
# -------------------------------------------
cv.Rectangle(frame, (0,0), (imageWidth, 15), (255,255,255),cv.CV_FILLED,8,0)
# get the current date and time
timeStampString ="%A %Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p")
# insert the date time in the image
cv.PutText(frame, timeStampString, (10,10), font, (0,0,0))
# -----------------------------
# show the image on the screen
# -----------------------------
cv.ShowImage("window1", frame)
# -----------------------
# wait for user command
# -----------------------
command = cv.WaitKey(10)
# if press 'q' -> exit program
if command == ord('q'):
print "Ending program"
break # end program
# if press 's' -> save the image
elif ((command == ord('s'))):
print "Saving image"
cv.SaveImage("test_%d.jpg" %i ,frame)
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